Something I Love | Teen Ink

Something I Love

March 11, 2015
By ihinojosa_30 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
ihinojosa_30 SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Something I love, what I love the most is my family.  I honestly don’t know what I would do with out them.  They are the best things in my life, and I’m happy they are the family I was put with.  My mom’s name is Jill, my dad’s name is Jaime, and I have my younger brother Daniel.  I only remember back to when Daniel was born in 2004, my mom always tells me about how I was so excited to have Daniel join the family.  The first day when he was born I didn’t want anybody to touch him and take him away.  I guess I wanted to take him home that day, I probably though I found my new best friend.  As he grew older and had his room, my mom said that I would go into his room at night and sleep on the ground beside him in his crib.  He was my world until he started to get 6 between 7 years old then I sort of started to not want him to hang around no more.  Now these days he is always getting on my nerves and just drives me crazy!  Daniel and I might fight so much now but I still love that kid.
My dad has taught me so much over the years I can’t even remember when he started to teach me all these lessons that I now carry on in life.  He’s started off helping me tie my shoes to help fixing utilities around the house.  I remember when I was obsessed with WWE, which means World Wrestling Entertainment.  It was in 2008 if I remember, but my dad came home with a surprise for me.  He showed me these tickets and I thought it was a concert to some rock band, but he showed me the name of the ticket and I flipped out when I saw it.  It said “WWE Monday Night Raw”, and my dad bought tickets for us and two other people.  When we arrived there on that date, he told me he would buy anything I wanted.  If I recall it he spent over 100 dollars on me just to make me happy.  What I notice in him is that he put others in front of him to make them happy before he’s happy.   That’s hard to do but he is strong man and I don’t really want to be like him when I’m older, but I want to make others happy before I make myself happy.  He is a fantastic dad and I’m glad he’s my dad and I love him.
My mom is probably my inspirer other than athletes in professional sports, but she is great.  My mom is the person who inspires me to be great and try my hardest to succeed in life and reach my goals for life.  She always wants me to be happy so she will do whatever it takes to make me happy.  She will buy me almost anything to make me happy or let me do anything.  When she knows something isn’t the best choice like going out with friends on the weekends, she will change her mind and let me go which makes me happy.  I remember one time I was acting selfish one day and my mom told me no going to my cousins house because my attitude.  When she said that, I just became even madder than I was, I told her she was the worst and she just left the room and didn’t talk to me for the whole day.  A few hours later she came to me and told me to go to my cousins because that’s what was going to make me happy.  I was happier than I ever did, but I knew I owed her an apology.  We made up after I said I was sorry, and we were fine for the rest of the day.  The troubles she goes through in life make her the toughest women I know.  She always tells me to not do this or that and tells me all this advice about life that just makes my mom’s bond with me awesome.  She is the best woman in my life and nobody can take her spot.  I love her so much I can’t tell it enough.
I realize how my family is something I love, because they are always there to help me, take care of me, and make me happy.  These people that I just talked about are the biggest reason I am happy and love my life.  I don’t know where I would be in life without them by my side.

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