Summer Traditions | Teen Ink

Summer Traditions

December 2, 2014
By Anonymous

A lot of people in the U.S have cabins and they go there to get away from their home and people around their homes.  My uncle has a cabin near Siren, I like to go there and hangout with our family members.  We go to the cabin a lot in the summer, and it is fun.  We almost always go there for big holidays such as 4th of July and Memorial Day.  This is when a lot of people come up to the cabin and this is when it is the most fun.  At night we always have a campfire and sit around it in our camp chairs.  I think this is my favorite thing that happens at cabin.  It is nice and warm. 

The 4th of July is probably the best holiday that we celebrate here.  Sometimes we go to the cabin for the whole week of the holiday.  The first couple days are not as fun because it is just my family and cousins, but we still find stuff to do.  Later on in the week, more people start to show up.  My cousin and I try to get some of our older cousins to bring us to buy fireworks.  Our parents usually don’t want to bring us unless they have to get something in town.  We can only buy smaller fireworks because of the weird laws on fireworks but our favorite is little snappers with strings.  We like to tie them to doors so when you open the door they pop.  People get mad, but it is worth it.  

The actual 4th of July is when we go to the parade.  Sometimes my cousin and I don’t go because we sleep through it.  I like to go but the previous years it has been way too hot to go.  The younger kids like it because they get candy and it is funny sometimes.  There are what are called bed races.  These races consist of 4 people pushing one person on a bed with wheels.  I was going to do it last year but I decided I didn’t want to.  My cousin’s friends did it last year and I think they got in the top 5.  This all happens during or after the parade.  I like watching the parade but I think I would rather sleep in and save my energy for the night things. 

After the parade my cousin, me, and my uncle go fishing.  We go fishing for fun and so we can get fish for the party.  The fish we catch are usually sunfish.  They make the best “fish tacos”.  That is usually what we have for the main dish at the party.  The fish tacos consist of fish and Tatar sauce or some other sauce that my aunt makes.  We use soft shell tacos for them.  You wouldn’t think that they were good but they are. 

Later in the night is when the fun starts.  When night comes my cousin and I get a fire going in the fire ring outside.  Then we can start lighting off our little fireworks on the dock.  Our fireworks are nothing compared to the neighbors but we have fun with the ones we have.  The people across the lake from the cabin have the biggest firework show.  My cousin and I like to call them the partiers because it seems like they are always having a party.  Even on normal nights they have parties going and they have a palm tree light that they turn on at night and it looks cool.  When we are fishing I can almost always hear their music that they play.  Our neighbors like to compete with their fireworks but I don’t think they shoot off quite as much as the partiers across the lake.

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