Highschool | Teen Ink


October 22, 2014
By hkim3058 SILVER, Draper, Utah
hkim3058 SILVER, Draper, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When words fail, music speaks.

As time advances, most people go from elementry school to middle school. Then from middle school to high school. And as you go, the grades you get, determine who you are and your life. I hate the Asian stereotype of getting all A's. It makes me feel stupid. Right now, I have a mix of A's, A-'s, B's and one C. My friends tell me that it's a great grade but they don't know what it's like for me. My father shouts at me. He screams and throws things. He tells me that I don't deserve to be here. He tells me how hard life is. And I can't do anything. How are we, as highschoolers suppose to keep up the demand?


Teachers tell us they don't assign that much homework, but combine all of the given homework and you have almost 3 hours worth to complete, on top of clubs and other things you have to complete, in order to look good for college. Counsellors tell you that if you take AP and IB classes, you can get part of college out of the way. How does one do this? How do you meet the expectations of an older society and stay sane? My friend said his father beat him for his grades. All I could do was sit there and think how lucky I am that my parents haven't checked my grades yet. How unlucky I was that I was going to be stuck with a C. The one thing in my way from getting an extra scholarship. 


Your choices in life affect you right now. But there's only so many choices you can take, and so many things you can do to change your choices. What are you going to do when life begins to fall apart for you? All I know is that I don't want to see the disappointment in my peers' eyes. Disappointment from them knowing I could do better. But I don't know how to stop it. As I move from life, for all I know I could be just a trip from death. A kiss from true love. A chat from making a lasting friendship. It's all a big mystery. But in all truthfulness... How can we let grades define us for who we are?

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