The Future Is Now | Teen Ink

The Future Is Now

February 12, 2014
By JakeJones BRONZE, Langley, Other
JakeJones BRONZE, Langley, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe that someday, every ounce of hate, discrimination, oppression, selfishness and greed will be extinguished and the world will be as one. No secrets, no lies - complete peace and honesty. We will all realize that no matter who we are, what region we come from, what sex we prefer, what race we originated from, whether we believe in a god or not - we are all brothers and sisters. Earth is our home, and in a home, we should feel accepted, safe and looked after.

There are no favourites, no least favourites, and no outcasts - all will be treated equally. We will not wage wars for resources and domination - we will share the land. There will never be a violent thirst for power and/or control. We will be thankful for every single thing that is given to us. And we will spread the generosity as far as the arm can reach. Politicians will not take handouts and will listen to every word the people have to say. No one will have to take a bullet for anyone because there will be no need to do so.

No sides will be taken because there will only be one side to take - the side of humanity. We will not pray for someone's death - but for someone's survival. We will not turn blind eyes to the unfortunate and needy. Nobody will have dominance over anyone and we will never let a continent or country be without safety, care and love. Religion will not forcefully tell us how to think and how to live - it will be up to us, as individuals, to decide whether to live that way. Whether there is a god or not, we will let people believe what they want, and we won't judge them because of their opinions - they are only human. We will speak our minds if we feel something is unjust - and we will not be afraid to do so. And if there is ever to be any enemy, we will stick flowers in the barrels of their guns, and not rest until there is a peaceful resolution.

We will put our future first, so the future generations will learn to do the same. We will refuse to die knowing that any mess we may have made will be left for them to clean up. We will abandon the ways of factory farming and treat our animals the way we treat our loved ones - they will be our loved ones. No longer will we slash the ancient forests and habitats of millions upon millions of creatures. We will refuse to let one more aquatic habitat be destroyed due to acidic reactions created by pollution. No longer will we let our chemicals tear away at the ozone that protects us from the wrath of the scorching star. We will not rely on pharmaceuticals to save our lives when we are in need - for their only goal, is to keep us coming back. Doctors will continue to make miracles and not only will we heal the body - but we shall heal the soul as well. We will take care of our elders and ensure that they will never feel forgotten or unrecognized. Society will be one big family - each of us looking after one another. Our passion will be maintaining the earth and all that live within it - and we will always put our passion before wealth and power.

This world I hope for may never happen within my lifetime and maybe it will never happen at all. But at this time in age, with all the problems going on around us, a world like the one I dream of is needed. It will never be as perfect as it sounds, and I am yet to see true perfection, but to live in such a world that only covers half of what I've discussed would be much more desirable to live in than the one I'm in now. It ceases to amaze me how many greedy, cold-hearted people hold the cards in today's society. But I'm also glad to know that so much good is being done to deal with these problems. The fact that everyday, more and more people rise up and stand for what they think is right makes me feel that the tables are truly turning. I know this world could never be a utopia, because nothing can ever be truly perfect. But the future is uncertain, so it's up to us to positively shape our world and future - and the future is now.

The author's comments:
I've always had a dream of living in a fair and equal world. But I'm private when it comes to talking about personal things such as that. But since I've chosen a career in writing, I thought I should reveal some material from deep inside my soul.

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This article has 2 comments.

Jacq said...
on Feb. 27 2014 at 10:19 am
Really a soulful piece of writing.  I feel encouraged by your passion for our world and inspired by your dream.  Keep writing!!!

KK130 said...
on Feb. 14 2014 at 10:15 pm
KK130, Ventnor, New Jersey
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
" When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen."- Harley Davidson

You are a very talented write and hey I am with you for this perfect world. It may never be perfect but we can try.