Running in the Dark | Teen Ink

Running in the Dark

March 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Being a kluts is who I am. Ask anyone and they will confirm it. I have dropped everything possible from glasses, plates, vases, computers, phones, binders full of papers, and even a dish full of food. I am also bad about tripping over thin air, running into big objects, and forgetting where I just put something down. I do all types of funny things because of it. I am lucky my family is able to put up with me still! I have done some pretty dumb things, but the worst of all was running with flip flops on in the dark.

I have run in flip flops before never doing any harm. I have tripped a few times maybe scratching my hand or knee. I never had much issue with running in flip flops. However, one night, that all changed. I was hanging out with a friend one night and we were waiting for my boyfriend to get off work to come hang out. We decided to go to dinner and eat some pizza. After we had dinner and messed around, we went to the park. That is where the funny, yet life-changing, accident happened.

It was just starting to get dark when we arrived. We planned to just play around on the jungle gym and maybe shoot the basketball a little bit. We were having a lot of fun. About an hour later and we decided it was time to leave. Of course, being goofy, we decided to race to the car. By this time it was very dark, and we were running on ground that we could barely see. As we got closer to the car, I sped up wanting to win, of course! Little did I know that there was a small curb that we had to go over to get onto the parking lot. I tripped right over it flying and skidding against the pavement. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at first.

I bounced right up not realizing all the damage I had done to my body. I could not feel the pain at first. I got into my car and turned the light on to look to see if anything was wrong. When I looked at my hands, they both were deeply scrapped and bleeding. I found a couple small scratches on my knees, nothing to bad. My foot was the worst. My flip flop got caught on the curb leaving my toes at full exposure. My big toe was sprained and had a huge chunk of skin ripped and dangling on the bottom. My other toes just had little cuts on them. When the throbbing started and I saw the blood, the tears started to roll down my checks.

Luckily for me, my boyfriend worked just a couple of blocks away. I drove there with my foot up on my dash board and my hands just barely holding the steering wheel. Sadly, my friend couldn’t drive at the time, so it was all on me. When we got there my boyfriend was very sweet and helped clean up all my cuts. I was so lucky to have him. I definitely learned not to run in flip flops in the dark after the accident. To this day I have not even thought about or attempted to run in flip flops in the dark. This is probably a good thing if you ask me!

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