Summer Love Never Lasts | Teen Ink

Summer Love Never Lasts

August 10, 2012
By skyhigh9 BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
skyhigh9 BRONZE, Wellesley, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think about you I think about 13.

I think about that first night at the park.

I think about all the times on my parents couch.

I think about those perfect days at the beach.

I think about all those breathtaking August nights when I thought you were the one.

You were my knight in shining armor, my savior.

The beating of our hearts always in tune with one another.

It’s funny how a melody can become a memory.

You were the sun to my moon, the ocean to my sky, the drop of rain in the middle of a life long drought.

As the year went on I could feel us drifting apart.

The look of love in your eyes had faded some time ago,

but you acted as if nothing had changed.

My knight in shining armor had turned against me.

We used to stand side by side now it’s a battle that has no end.

The sun disappeared behind the clouds and a storm turned my ocean into a monster.

You had become a stranger to me,

a melody that had gradually lost its harmony.

It used to sound beautiful, now I only hear the hushed whispers of unfamiliar memories.

All those August nights slowly melt away as the ashes blow away in the wind.

We are just a shattered mess of lost love and broken promises.

I never gave up on you, but you gave up on me.

You left when I needed you the most.

Our beautiful melody had become a catastrophe.

It seems safe to say that our hearts have lost their tune.

The author's comments:
This is a poem i wrote for english about me ex boyfriend.

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