Romeo & Julian: A Tale of Gay Lovers | Teen Ink

Romeo & Julian: A Tale of Gay Lovers

March 11, 2011
By pklightning9 BRONZE, West Halifax, Vermont
pklightning9 BRONZE, West Halifax, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
-Martin Luther King

Upon two different households with which two different views of Life were raised, were two seemingly innocent children that would one day, elope. Romeo, a fair gentleman of the South whose eyes shined light into the eyes of those that seemed to misunderstand the world. Julian, a simple commoner of the North whose love was unseen by those who don’t understand love themselves. Neither of the men could possibly imagine what fate has in store for them.

The gentleman of the South known as Romeo was treated quite fairly by friends and family and was trusted by them no matter what. Romeo had the best looks in the entire south and his friends would die for him. Should he lose love, the males would try to make up for it. There is no doubt he is loved by all.
Then comes the commoner named Julian who was born in the North and was treated rather interestingly by friends and family. At times, he was ignored and treated not as a human being, but as something else. Friends rarely talked to him and family would stick up for him at reasonable times. Should he lose love, he would have to scavenge for people to be loved truly. There is no doubt people make him seem less that what he is worth.

One day, Julian decided to explore the world of gay and lesbian youth and talk to some using the internet. While exploring an entire network of gays, a certain person’s name had come up by a family member who wanted to help a brother. That name was Romeo. Julian was asked to check out Romeo’s profile and so he did. Later that week, Romeo and Julian conversed and made the decision to have an internet relationship and to see where it lead. After some time passed, Julian asked Romeo how many boys he had decided to go out with and Romeo answered, “Ten.” Julian then proceeded to ask how many he had actually wanted to go out with. Romeo answered, “One.” Julian asked whom that person was and Romeo answered, “You.”

Two weeks later, school started and they had seven hours less to talk to each other. But nonetheless, they talked and enjoyed the company they kept each other. While in a conversation one night, Julian had to go to bed and said to Romeo, “I love you” and Romeo said it back and said good night and Julian went to bed. Nothing out of the ordinary happens for two months and during the third month, Julian came home from school and found some upsetting news.

That night while Julian was crying, his father came up and asked him what was wrong. Julian answered, “Romeo left me!” Julian’s father could not stand to see his son so heart-broken and sent Romeo a message stating that if Romeo treats Julian like that again, then they will have some major problems. After some reassurances of care and passion from Julian, Romeo took him back.

Months passed since that incident and another one happens. Julian begged and pleaded Romeo to come back and he did. About a month later, the same tragedy happened and the two were separated for several days and Julian proved his love to Romeo and Romeo took Julian back. Life is full of surprises and Julian finally found that out. In the month of March, the worst tragedy is yet to happen.

On March 8th 2011, Romeo left Julian and thought it would be best if he had left for good. Not only did he break Julian’s heart, he smashed it to pieces when Romeo told Julian that he was already taken by a friend the next day. Julian has told Romeo that if Romeo left him, Julian would die. That is one promise Julian is not keeping because he is still alive and all he wishes for is that Romeo take him back. Will that ever happen? We’ll see what fate has in store for them…

~The Romeo & Julian Tragedy~

The author's comments:
The reason why I wrote this, is because my boyfriend had left me many times and it seemed interesting enough to make another version of Romeo & Juliet out of.

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