LIfe goes around. | Teen Ink

LIfe goes around.

November 29, 2009
By Sunshine:D SILVER, Kenton, Ohio
Sunshine:D SILVER, Kenton, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 15 comments

She sits there quiet not saying a word just watching everyone else. She's a pretty girl. She has a personality people love to be around. She seem's confident. She's skinny and has
light blonde hair. She's actually one of the prettiest freshmen girls. She has a good family, all church goers. Her parents are still together and happy to be. She has a older sister and a younger
brother. They seem perfect to lots. But i, being her friend, see behide there masks. For her, it all began only two years ago, 7th grade. She was in her first real relationship. They were the
sweethearts of the school. They were together for 5 months already when things began to go bad. He abused her and always made her change clothes in front of him. He told her she was fat
and ugly to the point were she believed it, and couldn't forget it. Then on top of that, her apendix brusted and she became deathly ill. She woke up during one of her surgerys and was in the
hospital for a long time when she finally got out things with her boyfriend got worst. She wouldn't tell anyone what he did to her and finally after 15 months broke up with him. She broke up
with him 3 days after she got out of the hospital 1 day before her 14th birthday and 2 days before there 15 month aniveristy. It was hard for her to get away from him but she finally did.
But that doesn't mean she got away from the effects of his hurtful words and actions. Since she was convinced she was fat, she began to not eat. And when she did eat she puked it back up.
That went on for a long time until she was so small there's no way you couldn't tell she was anerixic. Although her family negelted it, inculding her mom and sister who have also gone through
eating problems when they were younger. Her friends helped her stop and she gained weight back and became depressed. She almost commited suicide then she began cutting. She did for a long time and stopped herself when
she relized what she was doing. She still believe's she's fat and ugly when she is actually very pretty and skinny. She still has to deal with the affects of everything that happened And has
problems with eating and cutting. She got though it by the help of God and good friends. She's in a better realationship now. But this could have ended badly. Pray for her and if you have a
friend with the same problem's as Erica had, understand why they're doing it and help them the best you can. Even if it's telling an adult. We don't want there story to end badly. God bless!

The author's comments:
This really happened to my friend Erica. Please read.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 15 2009 at 12:17 pm
chrissy leigh SILVER, Clarksburg, West Virginia
7 articles 1 photo 7 comments
very raw & i am so sorry about your friend...i will keep her in my prayers and i hope she gets better so very soon!