My meditating experience | Teen Ink

My meditating experience

May 3, 2024
By BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
BetGamerPoet BRONZE, Helena, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My first meditating experience made me feel special, at peace, loved, or even a little like Walt Whitman, in love with myself… Moving my tongue slowly as if a soft kiss was being given to me. Peaceful as if it's a Saturday in bed, nothing to do, perfect peace. I felt like I could feel the world, I could see the faces, or even, feel the faces of others in the world. In my experience I envisioned seeing a person crying, and I wiped their tears, but felt it with my hand. I felt special, at the center of the world, every piece of love that I had, I gave to the world as a much needed gift. I was the one who made the world a little bit better for five eternal minutes.

The author's comments:

Walt Whitman was an Bisexual American poet who was born in May 31, 1819. Whitman was famous for some 300 poems. My favorite is his "Song of myself". The poem describes his love of nature and celebrates himself in a very intimate way.

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