The Internal Battle of Importance | Teen Ink

The Internal Battle of Importance

September 27, 2023
By oliviamae24 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
oliviamae24 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

ONE thing?? How could I possibly choose only ONE?

Do I go expensive and choose my Apple watch? Apple watches can be replaced, even if I do have an unhealthy obsession with mine.

How about something large and choose my favorite chair? The faded blue one that is so big I can curl up into a ball and nap comfortably? Okay, let's be a little realistic…

Okay okay, maybe I'll be sentimental and choose my 1989 Taylor Swift CD. Seriously? A CD? You don't even own a CD player!

You're right… I've got it! I'm going to choose my roller blades! They're purple and blue and worn in just right to the shape of my feet. I use them all the time, so it would definitely be worth it! Should I circle back to the Apple watch “we can buy a new one”? What is something you actually cannot replace?

Well there is one thing… Perfect! What is it?  My grandma's necklace. The one with two small circles, the bigger circle is made of sapphires and the smaller circle is made of diamonds. Doesn't a necklace make you seem a little… I don't know… vain?

Oh no—is that really what people will think? Well— No, NO! I don't care, this is what I want to bring with me. I remember when I was little I would ask her EVERYDAY for the necklace. Everyday she would tell me “When you're older”. 

So maybe it is possible to choose ONE thing. I just needed to figure out something that had the highest sentimental value.

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