Future | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By aubryconway SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
aubryconway SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Since age eight, I’ve wanted to move to California. I told my parents one day I would go to this big, fancy college and live in Los Angeles. Of course, they didn’t believe me and told me I’d change my mind quite quickly. I would always cry and tell them that some day I would make my goal a reality, no matter what they say.  Here I am seven years later and I still want to move there. The reason why I want to move to California in the future? Simply because I love it there. The location,  the weather, the culture; all of it. 

First, I want to move there because of the location of LA. I’ve always been a fan of both big cities and beaches. So when I heard there was a city on the West Coast with a beach, I started looking at apartments right away. Also, it’s a new place. I’ve been there a couple times just to visit but never stayed for an extensive amount of time. To get out of a small town I’ve lived in my whole life and move to a big, exciting, new city, sounds like a dream to me. Additionally, it’s far away from my family. I love them, but I’m also excited to get some space from them to grow into the person I want to be. But moving to California isn’t always about location, it’s also about the weather.

Second, I love the weather in LA. I do like the weather here, but after a month of winter I start to get tired of it. In LA, it’s sunny, it’s generally a lot warmer, and it hardly snows. Even when I went to California in October it was still quite warm compared to Minnesota. I do know that it can get really cold at night in California in the winter time. One time we went to Disneyland in January, and we stayed up late to watch the fireworks. My grandma and I got so cold we had to buy a blanket from the store to stay warm. It was also freezing when we went to the ocean. Especially when I fell in and had to experience the frigid water. I don’t mind the cold though, especially since I’m used to a lot worse here. Weather often affects culture, which is another reason why I want to move to LA.

Third, I adore the culture of LA. From what I’ve seen, people in LA and California are generally more accepting than those in a small, Midwestern town. When I visited California a few years ago, the people there were so friendly and pleasant it made me feel super safe. In my opinion, I think their friendliness could rival those of the Canadians. Also, I have some distant relatives that live in California and they are super sweet. When I fell into the ocean and got my clothes all wet, they took me back to their house and gave me new clothes. California also has some great food places. They have all different types of food from different cultures. One of the best restaurants my family has ever been to was an Italian restaurant in California. All in all, LA has great food and great people. 

In conclusion, I want to move to LA in the future because it’s a big city, it has a warm climate and the people there are friendly and more accepting. All of these reasons add up to why I think that I would like to move to California in the future. Roy T. Bennett said “Change begins at the end of your comfort zone” and I think that matches why California would be good for me. Moving to LA would be me leaving the nest, getting out of my comfort zone, and finding my place in the world. If someday I do end up moving there, I think that young me would be quite happy.

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