Losing Myself | Teen Ink

Losing Myself

December 13, 2019
By Dani_Higareda PLATINUM, Hanahan, South Carolina
Dani_Higareda PLATINUM, Hanahan, South Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 109 comments

Favorite Quote:
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
- Winnie the Pooh

My mind is slipping slowly, slowly. Gently, the wind carries my empty thoughts away to an abyss of sadness. I am falling but I don't feel it. I have stopped caring for everything I once loved, including myself. My mind tells me that I'm not enough. Why am I not enough? I am down, always telling myself how much I hate myself. I'm dying on the inside, poisoning myself with each and every negative thought. I feign happiness but my mind knows me better. "Stop lying to yourself!"My mind screams. The tears drip down my face. I don't even want to be around my own self. I wonder how the world would be much better off without me. No more pain for me. The world won't care. I stare at myself in the mirror...what a ghastly reflection. "You will never be enough", my mind says. And I believe what my mind says every single time. I am killing myself with my own thoughts. They are daggers engraved with all the things that make me sad. "Just do it. End your life. No one will miss you", my mind insists. I am killing myself slowly, slowly. "Stop!" I scream at my mind as I lose myself. But it's too late. I already lost myself. 

The author's comments:

These are my personal thoughts. I have often felt lonely and depressed but I push myself because I don't want to lose myself. If you ever feel like this, please seek help. Please don't ever lose yourself! Your life is priceless. Remember that your situation is only temporary so ALWAYS push through because the world needs you!!

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