a scary night | Teen Ink

a scary night

October 17, 2019
By kkhhiiaa BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
kkhhiiaa BRONZE, Newcastle, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A Scary Night...


It was Saturday morning, I woke up at about 7am. I had to be at work at 8am. I first got in the shower to get ready for work. I then did my hair, now i'm ready to leave. As I am driving to work i stop at dunkin donuts. Then when I'm driving on 95 to get to work i almost crash because another car was trying to get over and I was right next to them. I was so scared but i'm glad i got to work on time. This day was a busy day for me and at work. We had customers complaining and a long line as always. Now it's about 4pm time for me to go home. I get home and my mom wants to go out to dinner to the seafood robot place. So we go out to dinner and the little robot sings me happy birthday i was so in shock my mom did that. By the time we were done eating my friends ask me to go to south street for my birthday. “DUH !” i told them. So we were all like 3 cars deep. But me and my friends got to philly first because i'm a fast driver. As we are on south street these boys approach us. But we know not to talk to anybody we don’t know. So they kept trying to talk to us. We were really creeped out and also scared. All my other friends showed up so now we're in a group so I was thinking we should be ok now. But no i thought wrong more men tried to talk to us. At this point we are like it's time to go home. As we are driving home me and my other friend Ty was racing in our cars. As we were racing and im going over 100mph we almost crashed we start swerving and almost tipped over but I caught the car in time. I knew this wasn't a good idea. When I got home it was like 3am. My mom was asleep I was hoping not to wake her up. In God's favor she stayed asleep. As i was laying down getting ready to go to sleep I caught myself shaking because I was thinking about how I almost could have died. To get my mind off of that i just start watching netflix shows. So for me this was a scary night i wish never will happen again. I learned my lesson to never race in a car again.

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