Seacreast Beach | Teen Ink

Seacreast Beach

May 16, 2019
By Anonymous

Somewhere very special to me is this place in Florida, known as Seacrest Beach. This is the place where almost all of my family vacations have been. It was shown to us from  a family friend, and after that it was just a tradition to always go back. However, we don’t go here anymore because we’re all separated now, and don’t live with each other. At the time, this place was very special, because it was a place the family could really get along, and have fun. The beach there is all white sand and pretty blue water. The pool there was huge and the restaurants there were amazing. We’ve probably gone a total of 4 or 5 times, the last time being in 2012. This was the last family vacation I’ve ever had, and will be until I get to start a family of my own one day. I will always appreciate this trip and keep it in my memories. I remember being able to get away from all the other problems here in Missouri, and feeling so happy all the time there. That was of course when I was way younger and had a lot less responsibility, still thinking life was stressful. My favorite memory ever from going there was probably when my aunt, uncle, two cousins, and my grandparents all drove up there to meet up with us for a few day because they lived in florida, and they wanted to see us. We did so much ate up stuff and just messed around the whole time. My crazy uncle Brian likes to do this thing where he gets extremely drunk and jumps in a bush, and when he did it it just made me laugh every time.

Overall, I would say that the reason this place means so much to me, is because it reminds me of the moments where I realized how much my family really means to me, no matter how annoying and crazy they are. I will always hold onto the memories from this place forever, and I am so excited to make more in the future with my future family. I can already say confidently that this will be the first place that I take my kids and husband to one day, I’m looking forward to it.

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