Pizza and Camaraderie | Teen Ink

Pizza and Camaraderie

October 3, 2018
By Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
Josh-otto30 SILVER, Brookfield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Another prolonged, miserable, hungry week finally conquered with the wrestling team and everyone knows where we’re going tonight. The only thing on our minds is where to eat. We try to switch it up, go to a place we’ve never been before. But we always end up 25 minutes away, at the same pizza buffet, in the same spot we always sit at with the same drooling mouths.

Cici’s pizza has come to be more of a tradition than anything—our go-to place to eat away our sorrows after a heartbreaking loss, or delve into triumphant deliciousness after a victory.

Even as the years passed, and seniors moved on, Cici’s remains the one spot where we meet up. New freshman sit with us, as we laugh about the good ol’ days with veteran teammates who we haven't seen in years. We relish a fat filled meal that leaves us dreading the coming week and what disgraceful number the scale will show when we get home.

Above the camaraderie and companionship, there was business that needed to be taken care of: 15 pizzas that shown brighter than the summer sun, and God knows how many more in the back being prepared.

We pushed and shoved, scratched and clawed to get to the front of the line. Only to inhale slice after slice, as each person humbly declared, “I’ve eaten the most!”

Hunger conquered, food savored, another week completed. Cici's will always hold a special place in our hearts symbolizing companionship and celebration. And you can bet we know where we’re going next weekend.

The author's comments:

Cicis pizza buffet is a special place to eat at for me and my friends 

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