Blood brothers | Teen Ink

Blood brothers

July 12, 2018
By Anonymous

Blood Brothers

        Endicott college, June 6th, 2016, the day I realized I had two captains who had my back no matter what. It's the D2 semi-final for baseball and I had been called up from JV to Varsity for the playoffs I took a ride from one of our present captains at the time number twenty six. We get to Endicott an cross the bridge that felt as though it held up the path to heaven over to the sides there were two large cascading fountains situated within two larger ponds “wow” I say to number twenty six “it's beautiful here” we pull in and he says “lets meet up with all the other boys” “Let’s do it I say”. We walk up to the game were supposed to be scouting, it’s Danvers vs. Arlington. We go up to the rocks where everyone else is watching to catch a free glimpse of the game going on, a few minutes later we hear the announcer state over the intercom “fans are reminded that sitting on the rocks is prohibited” after that we see our coach facepalm. Once the game was over the Danvers fans were jeering all of us the captains made the decision to leave as soon as possible. We started to leave but some Danvers fans followed us and jeered us some more we sat there being mature until one of the fans came at me and started making a move at me. He called me a bitch for a joke I made to one of my JV captains and tried to come at me for it. Although at the time I was still pretty short and this guy was pretty tall i figured to myself “ If I have to take a beating then i'll take a beating I will not back down” in my mind i was still nervous that I would lose. Right as I was about to repeat what I said I feel a push with such a force, that I had almost fallen to the ground. The push was from none other than Number 33. He went right toe to toe with this guy who almost came at me and was ready to throw hands his strong words of protection of me,the underclassmen, the sophomore, were as piercing as a piercing as a knife being plunged into one’s stomach. He said “how dare you give him shit when you know well enough he doesn't nearly match up and this guy called me a bitch again and number 33 said “he has more balls than you’ll ever have because he was willing to go toe to toe with you knowing full well he’d lose so in the end you’re the b****.’ The expression of anger on his face was unrivaled he proceeded to run at  number 33 and his friends held him back and that's also around the time number 26 tried to hold about five more kids back from coming at number 33 another kid laid his hand on number 26’s shoulder and number 33 had had enough he charged into a crowd of four kids ready to fight saying “ who tdo you think you are touching our captain” we then proceeded to get number 33 back in the car and leave. I finally saw the rage of someone protecting one that is like a younger brother. After the incident we all left. Once I got home I texted number thirty three and in it I said “thanks for having my back brotha but why would you risk not playing in the biggest game of the year you're one of our best players we can't afford to lose you over a guy who probably won’t play for a long while” he replied “hahaha no problem there's no way in hell I would let him make any sort of move to come at you I can honestly care less if I play or not you're my teammate and a brother and I always got your back no matter what. And don’t you dare forget that” At first I was taken aback because I never in a million years would’ve thought that someone would be willing to be benched in what would turn out to be our last game of the year. At that point I texted him back and said “ let's beat them they are way too cocky for my liking.” and he agreed.

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