Simple Times | Teen Ink

Simple Times

January 30, 2017
By MahamKhan BRONZE, Valley Stream, New York
MahamKhan BRONZE, Valley Stream, New York
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Can we just go back to the days when we weren’t teenagers? Nowadays, we are always worrying about friendships and the drama that comes along with them. Having all this school work and stress makes me feel worried.  All I want is to get good grades so I can get into a good college.  I want to go back. I, Maham, wish for another childhood, so all I can do is hid in my pillow forts and play with my Nintendo DSi. Since those days are over, we as teenagers must deal with everything society throws at us. Let’s face it, we cannot handle that stress. To be popular, you must wear expensive clothing so you don’t get picked on. Before all of this happened, we didn't care who wore what. We would wear graphic t-shirts that would have animals on them, all of them stained with apple juice and Oreo cream filling. Those stains are memories of our childhood, memories of simple times. If I could, I would bring it back.

I want to go back to the days where my friends and I would make Build-a-Bears, and then go to McDonalds and pick up a happy meal. Now all we do is walk in the park and talk about boy drama. Waiting for simple days to come back so I don’t have to worry so much, I sit here reminiscing to back when we used to go to the park and play in the playground. We were Disney princesses, we owned that playground, but now that’s too childish. If I wanted to, I could go by myself, but I wouldn’t want to be by myself.  My favorite thing that I wish I could go back to was when my friend and I would imagine that we were members of a famous band. I was the well-known lead singer. My friend was a famous guitarist and we would perform everywhere. How I wish I could go back. The times where we would just act crazy and everyone thought it was cute, that you could be whoever you want, are now gone. These days, people would make fun of you for doing that.

I still don’t understand how my childhood just left me like that. My friend and I also used to own “stores.” I owned a beauty store, selling makeup and body lotions. I had every nail polish color you could think of.  Gabby, my friend, would put her stuffed animals for adoption. We would find monopoly money and spend it at each other’s stores. To think that was the best parts of my life, it makes me want to go back and re-live it all. I don’t want to deal with the high school stress. The only stress I want to have is finding new ways to convince my mom to renew my Club Penguin membership or get that new Barbie doll that every girl had. Bring it back. Bring the simple times back.

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Benu said...
on Feb. 1 2017 at 8:22 am
Wonderful maham ! Very nice article