A Prince, and His Princess | Teen Ink

A Prince, and His Princess

March 17, 2016
By Anonymous

It all started on a hot and steamy summer day. Marching band is equivalent to my life. She just so happened to be a part of the band, and when I saw her I fell in love. Unlike other women, she didn’t have much to offer being a 5 feet, small thing. She did, however have a very distinct face, one that you would die for. It was crisp and clean with just the right amount of cheeks. She had amazing, flowing hair that was brownish gold in the sun. She was my dream and I had to try everything to try and get her.

I had become her friend by the end of the 2-week band camp. The conversations soon began to bloom. We would talk on and off gradually getting closer and talking more. Soon we began to hangout, but that wasn’t enough. There was something missing and I had to find it. So, she became my princess. My story was of a fairytale that I told her about a prince with nothing wanting a princess with everything. She loved it and with that she loved me. I was ecstatic. I never felt more alive in that moment than ever before. Little did I know, the moment wouldn’t last.

A few months pass and soon something started brewing. A thought was beginning to form in her head. Then it was over; just like that I fell from my castle. I became a shut-in, and I never wanted to seek out new people because my fear of losing my love. I never truly recovered and when we began to talk again, it hurt. She was beginning to look for new people while I was stuck with a love that wouldn’t go away.

Once she got with another person, I had left her again for my heart swelled. I took solace in another girl. She never had the same effect on me as the princess had. So I got careless, and lost another girl. At the same time I left one, we began to talk again. We soon began to hangout again and then my love that I thought I doused rekindled. I fell in love with the princess again.

I had a burden. She never looked for romantic involvement, but I did. I was crushed to hear her say it, but I was reformed. I recovered from the last interaction and made amends with her. Although she is not my princess anymore, I still talk to her. Lets keep this a secret but I still love her.

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