Liz J | Teen Ink

Liz J

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

Liz J is a 22 year old women, not yet married, who lives in Oconomowoc.

Liz is a teacher and has a boyfriend named Barry. Barry was not her first boyfriend. Although Liz states, “Post college dating sucks. Where will you meet someone? Not a bar. Not online. Not work.” She had experience with post college dating.

Her friends set her up on a date with a guy named Ty. Liz says, “We liked each other, but it wasn’t marriage.” It was an incoherent relationship. Her and her friends went on a double date and Ty brought along Barry. This was a fortuitous chance he brought Barry along.

Later in the night Liz wanted to dance to a song by Shakira with Ty; however, he didn’t want to dance. Barry stood up and said, “I will dance with you.” Again the same night Liz needed a partner to play darts and Ty inhibited. Once again Barry stood up and said, “I will be your partner.”

After one week they started dating. According to Liz, “Barry and Liz have been together ever since that night.” Ty is still good friends with Barry and Liz sees him with the ilk. Liz says, “Its not awkward at all seeing Ty at family functions. There have never been any diatribes towards each other.

Now they have been dating for a long time, Liz is just waiting for him to ask her to marry him. In the mean time together they have a prestigious reputation for playing board games and going to a gaming convention.

The remuneration would be nominal but when Barry asks to marry Liz they will live there life together playing board games with each other.


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