Press Conference for New Cafeteria | Teen Ink

Press Conference for New Cafeteria

May 13, 2010
By Pantsman SILVER, New York, New York
Pantsman SILVER, New York, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the mid-1990s, the ____ High School cafeteria was a conglomeration of three separate rooms for students to lunch in. In the school year of 1997-1998, this number was reduced to two rooms, with the renovation of the cafeteria. Now for the 2011-2012 school year, the administration is continuing this merging of cafeteria rooms in the new renovation plans for the cafeteria. The cafeteria, previously segregated by an outcrop of kitchens, will be consolidated into one large eating area for students.

The new cafeteria will feature many aesthetic and structural improvements. The new design by the architectural firm of KG & D will feature two skylights, different types of tables, seating for almost 350 diners, 12 foot high ceilings, and new kitchen appliances.
The two skylights will give light and a brighter feeling to the room, in addition to being focal points of the renovation. There will be rectangular tables with seating for six, and round tables with seating for four. The new ceiling will feature a grid look on top. The administration is even considering installing strategically-placed recycling centers in the cafeteria. On the whole, the new cafeteria will have a very sleek, clean look. According to Mr. ____, however, nothing has been decided about color schemes. Lastly, the new updated kitchen appliances will not require new staffing, rather, at Superintendent’s Conference day, the cafeteria staff will be retrained with the new equipment.
Mr. _____ explained that the money for the renovations will come from the school’s Capital Improvement Fund. This is a sum of money mandated by _____ State for the school to create and add money to, for the purpose of improving the school building, or in case of structural emergencies. By state law, the school is only allowed to use this money for building purposes, so there is no way the money could be spent on books or teachers. $1.5 million from the Capital Improvement Fund and $350,000 from a state grant will pay for the renovations. Since the money already exists in the Capital Improvement Fund, taxpayers won’t have to pay extra money for the renovations.

The renovation plans will not interfere with open campus, so students will still be able to leave the school to eat lunch. The point of the renovations is to make the cafeteria more appealing for students to eat inside the school. This is because the school loses almost $80,000 annually on school lunches. According to Mr. ____, only 14% to 20% of students currently buy food in the cafeteria. It is also hoped that the renovations will enable the cafeteria to cook better and healthier foods with its new, updated kitchen. After the renovations, the school hopes to increase this percentage and to make a profit to be put toward other worthwhile acquisitions in the school, such as new textbooks, technology, teachers, etc.
On May 18, the renovation will be voted on by residents at the annual School Budget Vote & Trustee Election.


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