How To Ping Pong | Teen Ink

How To Ping Pong

February 13, 2024
By 4phippen GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4phippen GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A simple game with simple rules, consisting of two players, two paddles and one ball. This is a game of more skill than luck (but luck can help you out majorly at points) where you want to have precise placement with your shots.  Will Merrick, 17, who is an expert ping pong player,  has said “you need grit and determination to be successful in the art of the game.” These games get intense and are played till 21, typically with good competition these games can take up to 30 minutes long.

Lots of pro players tend to have their own ping pong table in their residency to be able to play everyday and increase their skills. Another good way to get good at the game, is to get familiar with the rules, knowing these rules will allow you to play with confidence and even call out your opponents. After talking to Will Merrick, he talked about playing around in the basement with his father, which actually increased his skill level tremendously. Players like to use spin on the ball to help increase their chance of winning a point by throwing off the opponent.

Going back to the luck aspect of the game, people can also get unlucky… with one bad bounce, an overshot and hitting the net will win your opponent a point and the serve. With ten years of experience under his belt, he was asked: What can go wrong when playing?, -he responds with-”For me…? Nothing can go wrong, I have a record of 153-0”. Which is true at points, playing with levels of confidence will increase your chances of winning and being more bold with the ball. On the other hand, lots of little mistakes can occur leaving you with a losing score.

The author's comments:

This is a "How To" piece where I used a friend who is very experienced in ping pong to tell me a little something about the game.


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