Mrs. Dodge | Teen Ink

Mrs. Dodge

February 15, 2024
By 4tilmont SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4tilmont SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During my life, I have taken many different classes. Whether they were as boring as watching paint dry or as exciting as a day off, they all served their purpose and I had at least one takeaway from each. There's just one specific classroom that I want to shine a light on just because of how special the teacher was to me. 

My sophomore year at Arrowhead Union High School was one of my favorites. I met more people than in freshman year, but still had the same friends as always. This year was special to me not only because of the people and the classes I had but also because of my teachers. One teacher stood out to me the most because of her selflessness, joy, and ability to teach like no other: Mrs. Dodge. 

Now, I was never the student to say I liked math. I was always one for the sciences, but after her class, I couldn't get enough of it. She taught Advanced Algebra like no other. I was ecstatic to go to her warm, coffee-smelling classroom every day. I would even do my homework weeks in advance because I couldn’t wait for what was next. 

She would always welcome me with a “Good morning, Georgia; how are you?” and it would spark a conversation that I enjoyed having every day. 

Not only did this class open so many doors, but I also got to meet some of my best friends. A girl who was in this class with me is now one of my best friends. I have so many thanks for Mrs. Dodge and her classroom. 

Now this might sound bad, but I promise it’s not. During my finals week, I had so many classes to study for and math was my last one to take. I only did some of the review packet because of how burnt out I was. I ended up getting a 96% on the final exam just because of how much I learned in that class. I didn’t even need to study that much because I understood her teaching style and she actually taught me! 

Then when it became time to ask for letters of recommendation for college I knew she was one of the teachers I wanted to ask because I knew she would write some great things about me. After all, she knew me. I was sad to find out that I couldn’t ask her because she wasn’t one of my current teachers, but if she were, she would be the first person I’d go to. 

Now that I am a senior, I look back on these moments and wish to relive them again. I will now forever enjoy math class because of Mrs. Dodge and that will and has gone a long way for me in college and high school. 

As for right now, I thank Mrs. Dodge with all my heart for being kind, passionate, and caring not only as a teacher but as an individual.

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