Mail Call | Teen Ink

Mail Call

December 1, 2016
By eville123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
eville123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Veteran,

Hello! I would like to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for your service. Thank you for your bravery. And thank you for your love. You are a true American hero, and I couldn’t be happier to be able to talk to you.
My grandpa fought in the Korean War when he was 18-years-old. He then met my grandma and fell in love. After he finished serving our country, they had five children together (four boys and one girl). My mom and I love visiting him at his apartment in Illinois. He fills us with stories from the war while we eat chocolate covered peanuts, his favorite food. My grandpa and every Veteran are genuine blessings to this world. Without you, we would not have this beautiful free country we do today. So, thank you!

Your courage, strength, and bravery are traits true heros have. You made it possible for me to have an education, to feel safe in my home, and to be able to wake up everyday and not worry. I can’t thank you enough for risking your own life to keep mine, and everyone else’s life safe. Freedom would not be possible without you and your wonderful strength. Freedom to me means having the ability to dream as big as I want. With the freedom you gave me I could become a surgeon if I pleased, or I could become a plumber. I can be whoever I want to be. That gift is irreplaceable. So, thank you!

I would absolutely love to hear from you and gain knowledge on all the things you have accomplished. You are my hero.

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