The Magical Brew: Coffee | Teen Ink

The Magical Brew: Coffee

May 25, 2016
By CopyCatDee GOLD, New Delhi, Other
CopyCatDee GOLD, New Delhi, Other
12 articles 1 photo 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't define your world in Black and White, because there is so much hiding amongst the Greys...

It’s raining heavily outside, the weather is cold and you are sitting there on your window ledge reading that favorite book of yours while enjoying the beautiful scene outside. And with all of this, you have that hot, magical cup of coffee in your hands. Yes, that mouth-watering steaming brew having that heavenly aroma with delectable taste that lingers on your tongue till long after you have finished it and warmth that seeps in every inch of your body making you feel wonderful and alive. What more can one need?!


I, for one, am a dedicated, avid, overzealous coffee lover. For me it is more than a simple brew I enjoy drinking. It is a life giver to me. It is the only reason why I pry myself out of my bed each morning. It is something I need to feel myself every day, something I relish rollicking around inside me, arousing each sleepy corner of the tired soul.


It guides me to the new day, the new opportunities with an alertness and energy I need. It gives me the push, the force that helps me make through yet another day full of new challenges and problems and the spirit it needs to enjoy the little surprises. Monday mornings now don’t seem daunting because of it. It is something without which, I cannot imagine my days.


Moreover, coffee, with all of that energy, strength, and inspiration, gives that extra something that makes life even more beautiful – the little euphoria which lets one revel even in the tiniest of happy moments and that speck of mindlessness it gives to be able to find pleasure in even the toughest jobs. It is the festival you will always love celebrating.

In a few words, I’m addicted to coffee.

And this addiction comes with its perks too. The minuscule molecules of caffeine when burst in your blood veins, they not only do the job of a stimulant, but they also release those helpful antioxidants which keep you safe from several cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. It helps in maintaining mental sharpness and also lowers the chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Other than these there are a myriad ways how coffee keeps you healthy and prevents several diseases. And what more, it has been found from legit studies that drinking coffee actually increases your mortality!

So next time you savor your cup of coffee, cherish the longer life you have! Plus, also celebrate the mountain of benefits it offers!

To conclude, I am someone who devours the steamy cup of this tantalizing brew everyday and elates in the lascivious feeling that follows, and I say with all my heart that I have always willingly let this miraculous, magical brew transform me into something new and I always will!


Enjoy your cup of joe and be a Coffee hipster!!

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