Civility: A Remnant of the Past | Teen Ink

Civility: A Remnant of the Past

December 8, 2013
By Kasey Wilfong BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Kasey Wilfong BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Today, everything is about speed. How fast your internet is working, how fast your service is when you go through a drive through, or even how fast you can get your task done and move on to the next. Since all society has on their mind is speed most people forget to incorporate common courtesy into their everyday actions. Please and thank you have become almost obsolete throughout one’s everyday language and holding the door open for someone is almost unheard of. Most people feel that the idea of civility is unnecessary. They feel that these futile actions are superfluous because they don’t benefit directly. Using common courtesy is archaic, due to the selfishness and corruption of everyday actions. People find it difficult to remember their manners even in the most obvious situations.

Our society as a whole has bad manners. Even with consideration that everything needs to happen quickly, our society is just not civil anymore. With the influences of egotistical morals and self centered ideologies people do just the bare minimum to benefit themselves. If one has to choose between being polite or getting what they want quickly, someone in today’s society is indisputably going to pick the latter. The changing of times has definitely played a large factor in the decreased use of civility. In past generations civility played a bigger role in the raising of children and just in the way one treats others. In today’s society however, civility is not treated as of big as a deal. People now disregard the common practice and instead focus on other things while raising their children.

Even throughout the workplace civility is become less and less of a practice. Pay is not based on the treatment of customers nor on courtesy. Employees no longer bother with saying, “Hello, may I help you with something?” but instead just go about their own responsibilities. WIth all of the distractions and selfish morals being put on display throughout society people need to stop and ask themselves the simple question, “Am I treating people how I would like to be treated?” Taking the time to be polite is a simple action and go a long way to demonstrate the importance of civility and courtesy among others.

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