Scary feeling | Teen Ink

Scary feeling

September 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Once my uncle, aunt, cousin, and brother were driven down the road, pitch black no light poles no houses no nothing. Except for the tires hitting the pavement. And the rocks my uncle was driving over. All of sudden my brother said “I need to go to the bathroom”
“in the middle of nowhere” said my aunt dramatic pause “but I need to go” said my brother… “ok then, shut the car door , so we don’t die ” my aunt said.

See my uncle, aunt, brother, was thinking that there was like the headless horseman that was going to come. So he shut the door and did his business. When I heard this story I said you should have honked the horn or rolled down the window and scream! As I’m laughing! I ask my brother if he was scared. Yes I was scared!

This is the part were I tell you about the characters in the story. the only person I’m not going to describe is my baby cousin. I now the people who are reading this story are disappointed. and I say good.
See my brother is very strong and tall and he was even afraid to go out so that tells you how scary it was but in the outcome my family made it out alive and my brother was just relieved that he got back into the car.
My uncle is also very strong and tall but my brother is taller then my uncle. He is also really funny. He was driving the car in the story. Now my aunt is really funny and strong but not as tall as my uncle or my brother.

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