bullied | Teen Ink


September 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Ahhhhh! This story is about my school life and the struggles I had achieved from it.
Through my grade school I had many friends I was very friendly and Im not going to lie,
“popular”. Until as I grew up to be in the 6 th grade. My friends made new friends and their friends made new friends. So I was left with not very many friends. Girls became jelouse of me, talked about me, and almost all of the friends I had changed so much. Its very hard to see that especially the ones you were so close to. It eventually got to the point where I had one friend in the whole school. ( Wich im very thankful for her ). She was always there by my side, and she would say things like,
“ Its going to be ok you’ll see.” Or other things like, “ Dont listen to them.”
I became very bullied..... I cried so much after school, at night, and I never wanted to get up in the morning to go to school. No matter how much I tried talking to people it became worse and worse. I would have to get up in the middle of class and ask to see the counselar. I couldnt pay attention to my school work at all. When I would go home every night I would cry.

I was threatened with a group of 9 th graders that they were going to beat me up after school. I was soo scared that day that I just had to tell someone and see the counselar. They had police officers outside and the principle, teachers, and the counselar. Actually, the 9 th graders were out there waiting for me. They ran away after they saw the police officers. But little did we know they were waiting on the corner of where I walked home. The police officers chased them off!
" Get out of here!" they yelled. What the heck were they up to? The counselar took me home that day.

“Are you ok?” She asked me before I opened the car door.

“ Ill be fine.” I told her.

“You just be sure to know know that your safe now and dont let people put you down that way. Ya know, you remind me alot of myself when I was a kid. I was very sensitive. And I was bullied just the same. Its scary, I know. But you always have to listen to that little Jimmony Cricket on your shoulder that says your a special person!” She smiled at me.
“ Thanks.” I smiled back.
I walked slowely inside and sat on the couch staring at the floor for a while.

Im doing alot better today, Im just so glad that im in a new school were I can be around new people and new friends. If I still have problems simaliar to that I tell someone wich is a very good thing to do!

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