The Zombie Plan | Teen Ink

The Zombie Plan

March 25, 2013
By Sane-or-Insane SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
Sane-or-Insane SILVER, Highland Village, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

If a zombie apocalypse was to come about we have the zombie plan that will give us help to know what to do.
1.)What to do at first
Do not panic, because in most cases when people panic they do stupid things.
Do not panic but do not deny the fact that at any second a zombie might bust though the window and eat your face. This is a serious matter so don't sit and waste the last remaining battery life of your computer watching Cinderella and eating potato chips.
I would advise to have at least a couple people that you gather with you so you could watch each other's back, but not too much people because getting along with them and having an elite team could be crucial to your survival.
Now, you are going to gather any big blunt object that could knock someone's head off, like a bat.
Then look at your food supply and ration it out.
Then get blankets, first aid kit, food, gun, big blunt objects, as much water as you can hold, and anything you would need for your survival ,need not want, into a bag that you can carry without getting tired. You can spilt the load between group members to make it easier.
Do not under any curcuma stance make any loud noises, or buddy... I hate to brake it to you but you are going to die.
2.) Once you survive walking out the front door
Once you have done that, leave the city, but walk do not use a car or zombies will be crawling all over.
Try to avoid any zombies; take the most deserted routes to get out of town.
If you can go to a place like Costco or Bass Pro Shop go. The reason for Costco is because of the large food supplies and quantity of things like knifes, but if there are a lot of people there run far away from there because if you stay you are likely to die. The reason for Bass Pro Shop is because they have food tanks to hold fish so you could have them for food, lots of weapons, water, Mules, four-wheelers, and boats for quick getaway if needed. They also have lots of blankets, pillows, and camping supplies you can take if you need to leave, and also practice areas all you would need to do is close off the exits and windows and leave like one exit but have it securely locked. In the same case as Costco if there are a lot of people there, run away.
You need to be looking for places or areas with food and water, that is your number one priority after the fact that you don't want a place with zombies crawling around it.
If you do not settle down in one place keep moving don't find a tree and plant yourself there. Unless you find a good place do not stay under a tree.
3.) How to deal with Zombies
First, try not to have an encounter with a zombie but it you do this will help. If you see a zombie but it hasn't seen you then hide and make no noise what so ever.
If the zombie did see you stay quiet do not run or make any noise wait until it comes close enough to were with your blunt object ,you needed to pack, you could hit its head and put enough power into it and knock it's head off.
Always hit the head because if you hit it's arm and let's say it falls off it doesn't matter it will still come at you to eat your brain.
It doesn't matter what kind of human it was before this thing is, is that they don't remember that and don't feel anything even when their own limbs fall off they don't feel it.
Last but certainly not least this is most important zombie have enhanced hearing so if you use a gun a lot of zombies will come after you or in you direction . So DO NOT USE A GUN! Unless you absolutely have to but that's only if it's your last resort. If you have a death wish that's different.
Now, let's say a zombie apocalypse or mob is coming toward you the best thing you can do it hide well and shut your mouth and if there is a dead body around put it on top of you that would be even better. Why would you want to do this, well, zombies smelling is enhanced so if you can mask your smell with the smell of the dead then you would be able to blend in. They don't eat their own kind.
4.) Types of zombies
Here are the types: the Crawler, the Trudger, the Walker, and the Runner.
They are pretty easy to identify just look at the way they move.
The first one is the Crawler, these are the ones that people came across and didn't know what to do so they just cut the zombie in half with a chain saw. They are the least dangerous of all zombies.
Next is the Trudger, they usually are the one that are just wondering around and have lost a couple toes or a foot.
Then the Walker, I think the most dangerous because you are likely to mistake this one as a real person. Like if you are suppose to have a friend coming back from gathering things, " Hey Fred what took you so loooooong. Oww! Why'd you biaaaaahhh, Your not Fred."
The last one is the Runner a zombie you don't want to encounter, this zombie is probably a fairly new zombie hasn't lost any limbs so that's how they can run.
5.) How did they become a Zombie?
It could be radiation which could be transmitted just by a scratch.
There's the viral kind this includes, virus, infection these can be dangerous if you are scratched by a zombie and it is entered into the blood stream.
Then there's the science type were scientist notice it turned out badly for the hamster so tried it on you instead.
6.) For those who don't scream like a little girl when they see a Zombie
What you can do is capture zombies cut off their arms and jaws and put them on chains. Without their arms and jaws they can't hurt you so you can have them carry your stuff and you will be able to walk around zombies and not get eaten because the zombies you have on chain will mask your smell with theirs.

The author's comments:
For all those people that need help when the Zombie Apocalypse comes.

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