Society vs. The Individual | Teen Ink

Society vs. The Individual

March 12, 2013
By Taylor Block BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
Taylor Block BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society vs. the individual. Referring to mostly adolescent girls, society expects perfection. A 4.0 GPA, excellence in athletics or arts, a full extracurricular schedule, and even a social life. All any girl wants is to be happy. To live a life they enjoy, and are proud of. However, the unrealistic expectations of society constantly weigh down on a young woman. They beat girls up until their mind expects exactly what society does. Few people can actually accomplish these goals, leaving most feeling like a failure. This feeling can lead to anxiety, followed by depression. Without help, it all becomes to much to handle for the immature mind. The constant feeling of be overwhelmed, and out of time takes over a girls life. This may cause a young women to to take extreme measures and harm themselves. Society kills the individuals creativity, hopes, and dreams. Before making these demands, the community's expectations need to be reevaluated, and improved.

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