Being An Individual | Teen Ink

Being An Individual

May 15, 2012
By Naturally_Talented SILVER, Bogota, New Jersey
Naturally_Talented SILVER, Bogota, New Jersey
8 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.

Being an individual is being who you really are without hiding the truth. An individual is someone who does what they believe in, despite what everyone might think; taking a step forward in life and not making people take you three steps back. Having enough confidence to stand up for yourself even though you know someone won’t be there to back you up. Almost like being a rebel, a rebel that does the right thing.

Anyone can be an individual, but you have to know yourself and who you really are first. Everyone is born with individuality, not one person is the same, or thinks the same. It is when we get older we find out what we want to become, or what has become of us. If you look at yourself and say I shouldn’t be with these surroundings, you’re not being true to yourself. If you have to take a second guess at what you should be doing in a situation or why you are even in that situation, that’s not being an individual, it is following the crowd.

Life takes its course one step at a time, rushing it doesn’t help anyone move forward it helps people move back. Being a teenager I have learned that life is a course with many paths and not all of them are good ones. Being an individual helps you find what trail to pick, and being able to learn from the path you choose. If you are a nerd and start to hang out with people who are in gangs and find yourself doing something that’s not you, you stop yourself because that’s what an individual is; being able to stand up for what is right no matter what people think. Being able to stand up for what is right despite what the outcome might be, even if you are left standing alone with no one to turn to but your conscience and your parents.

Having confidence in who you are is a big part in individuality. If you think you can do something you should go for it no matter what anyone thinks. If you believe in yourself enough, other people will start believing also. Having people that make you do something you say you cannot do and make you do it because they know doing that one thing will make you a better person will benefit you in the end. When you look back and remember how you got in the spot you might be in know will make you remember the people that helped you succeed and not bring you down. Having people that believed in your individuality and made you push yourself, That is the kind of confidence it takes to become who you really believe yourself to be. Making something work when you know the outcome might not work at all, but still trying it to make the world, your world better helps people see who you really are. Being an individual doesn’t come over night, it doesn’t take a day, it takes years to find out who you really are. When you find out who you really are, you find out everything you did right in life and everything you might have done wrong. Knowing that you accomplished everything and overcame the hardships that life throws at you shows your individuality.

In the end everyone will see the beauty in a person that overcame all the things life had thrown on its course. Everyone will realize that the person was not a fool despite what they went through, or put themselves through. They will realize that anyone that is an individual will make it anywhere they want in life, even if people try to bring them down. Even after you realize that what you have become is what you want, being an individual doesn’t stop there. It stops when the world ends, when life finally has had enough. Individuality stays until you die and once you realize you are an individual you realize that no one can bring you down, only you can bring yourself down. Only you can make people bring you down, only you can bring yourself as low as everyone else that has tried in the past, but has failed in succeeding because of the individual inside you.

Standing up for what you believe in, Gay pride, lesbianism, or bisexuals. Just because other people think it is wrong doesn’t mean you have to. When you stand up for what you believe in, it makes you a better person, inside and out. Being a rebel and standing up for what you believe in is what it’s all about. If people make you believe different going down to their level is not going to help the situation. The only thing that you can do to stand up for yourself is be you, not anyone else. An individual might be an outcast, a person who might be invisible to everyone else, because they believe in something different, but in the end everyone realizes that you can only be one person.

A rebel without a cause, the man on the moon, on another planet, someone who is not seen, but is always heard. It’s all about having a voice, a voice loud enough for everyone to hear. Loud enough to let people know, you mean business.

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