Wrong | Teen Ink


November 22, 2007
By Anonymous

people worry 2 much bout skool but itz like w.e to me although i need it in order to be someone in life like 4 real like u need skool anotha thing iz life iz full of bull shyt u know boys \z crush ur heart they say they love u n cant live w/ out u butz that just bull shyt sometimes they just leave cuz they dont want to go out w/ u no more becuz they say that u cheated on them which itz not true they just want an excuse to leave u cuz they want to go out w/ someone else but not tell u face to face especially if he brakes ur heart on myspace or on tha phone that amazing who cruel life coyuld really be like i hate that stuff as soon as u in love w/ that person they leave u but thank god it happen to me that way i had a friend who her boyfriend said that he love her as soon as they had sex he just left like itz was like a booty call dont do that u crushing girls hearts which is not cool like keep it to ur self if u want to do that dont do that that is just wrong

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This article has 1 comment.

Minus said...
on Sep. 24 at 7:29 pm
Minus, Morse, Louisiana
0 articles 0 photos 54 comments
lol I read this perfectly on my first try