Can't Stop Me | Teen Ink

Can't Stop Me

May 29, 2009
By musicgirllovesGod BRONZE, Grant, Michigan
musicgirllovesGod BRONZE, Grant, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I’ll write what I want. If I so wish to talk about God in my papers then I will. You can’t tell me to write about myself or an experience and make me leave God out; you’d be excluding one of the main characters. He’s such a part of me that I can’t help but write and talk about Him.
I’m sick of the discrimination, the laws, and the arguments. People are so concerned with appeasing the minorities and their beliefs that they’re manipulating the rights of the majority. I don’t care if someone doesn’t like what I believe. I don‘t necessarily enjoy hearing everyone else’s beliefs, but that shouldn’t change their rights. They can share their persuasions and I’ll share mine. Just quit changing everything to be “politically correct.” I’ll call it Christmas if I want. I’ll rejoice when a preacher prays in the name of Jesus on national television. I put up with others’ views, so they can put up with mine.
Really, I’m not trying to be so harsh and rude. I’m just frustrated with Christians blending into the crowd and not standing up for God. So many are worried about stepping on people’s toes. Well, not me anymore. I will be bold despite opposition. People talk openly about anything and everything. Homosexuality and war are controversial topics, but they’re not suppressed. Well you know what? There’s a war going on for your soul right now, and you don’t think I should be allowed to talk about it.? Start wearing steel-toed boots, because not everyone thinks that the touchy subjects should be avoided. You can’t make everyone happy, and the harder you try the more likely you are to offend someone.
Now, I’m not going to recite the 1st Amendment to you, because you obviously know what it says. Just know that I’m definitely exercising my rights every time I pray with my sports team before a competition, pray over my food at lunch, and gather in a classroom with other Christians for FCA on Thursday mornings. And next year if I speak at graduation you can be sure I’ll talk about God, who’s helped me all throughout my life and given me courage to write this essay.
You can’t keep me quiet, you can’t dissuade me. I’ll write about, talk about, and proclaim God with a smile on my face. You CANNOT stop me!

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This article has 1 comment.

Jesus_Freak said...
on Jul. 13 2009 at 9:04 pm
Amen sister.