Gender Equality | Teen Ink

Gender Equality

August 26, 2015
By s0531c BRONZE, Encino, California
s0531c BRONZE, Encino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Women are treated with disrespect in many parts of the world. Whether it is paying them less than men for the same work, physically abusing them, or categorizing them as weaker than men, women are looked down upon. They are seen as lesser than men and in some countries, are treated as objects.

In Afghanistan, two young girls, ages 16 and 18, were walking to school calmly as they went on their way to learn. School is where they get an education, where they learn about the world and what is happening around them. Education teaches them and helps their minds grow stronger. Education is such a precious opportunity that everyone human being deserves. However, there are many who think differently, specifically two men who believe that women do not deserve an education. In order to represent their thoughts, they purchased a bottle of acid and threw it at the female students’ faces. The acid creates burns on the area that it touches and leaves eternal scars as well as physical impairments. It is horrifying and life changing for the person attacked and this form of violence is mainly used against women. Some other reasons for acid attacks are because the women refused a marriage proposal or because they refused to sleep with them.

This is a sickening act of sexism that they justify by saying women are less, that women do not deserve human rights. But why are women not as “good” or “strong” as men? Women have the same will power if not more, they have strength, and they have passion. They are not objects, but instead beautiful human beings that are intelligent and brave. Just like every male, females should be treated with respect because they are human beings.
There are have been organizations and gender movement that are essential to gender equality. HeForShe is a gender equality movement started by the UN Women. Their goal is to take action on discrimination against women and involve men in the movement as well. They call it “A Solidarity Movement for Gender Equality”. Emma Watson, an key figure in the HeForShe movement and also a British actress, had gave a speech on gender inequality and was able to effectively address the problem as well as encourage people to engage in the movement.

As the world is evolving, the past stereotypes and limitations we put on each gender should be stopped. Every human being deserves the equal right to live and express him or herself without society restricting them because of gender.

The author's comments:

Living as a female, I realized that life is dificult and there are so many hindrances. I was inspired to write this piece after reading and writing about all the amazing feminists out there, past and present, who had changed the world and moved it closer towards gender equality. I hope people will understand that feminism is relevant to today's sovciety and not biased towards women. The reason why we have feminism is to bring light to the women treated as objects because of their gender. We need to jusitce and need to terminate gender inequality. Society needs to stop pressuring genders into different stereotypes and norms. I believe every human is equal no matter what you look like and gender equality plays a huge role on that. 

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