About Human Trafficking | Teen Ink

About Human Trafficking

May 16, 2014
By AsianWriter BRONZE, Sacromento, California
AsianWriter BRONZE, Sacromento, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Society believes that slavery has been abolished from this world. However, slavery still exist today. We have been blinded by our peaceful way of life that we are unaware of this happening. They can be living within our own community in disguised as normal, happy human beings. Unfortunately, in reality they are miserable and mistreated by their owners.

Human trafficking is a form of slavery that enslaves many and forces those who are kidnapped to work. They can be forced into prostitution, force labor, and domestic labor. Victims are stripped of their freedom and are taken into their home country to a new country so they can receive no help. Traffickers or the victims owner brainwash them into believing they'll gain no help from law enforcement. Instead they believe law enforcement will arrest them for being in the country illegally.

Human trafficking is a global issue. This happens everywhere, especially in the US. Human traffickers prey on those who are most vulnerable, especially children. Over 30 million people were abducted or deceived by these predators. Out of all those who were kidnapped, children are the most vulnerable to abduct. Plus half of the 30 million are kidnapped children. All it takes to lure a child can be food or candy. Traffickers can sell each person for as little as $90. This can happen to your own children. Those who are captures can be raped, thrown into prostitution, or thrown away like an old rag doll. Is this the fate you want for them? No, they do not deserve this fate! They should be going to high school, fall in love, go to college, and live their lives. Not having their lives stolen from them!

Overall this evil corporation makes over $32 billion. Do you want this dirty money to be in this country? These paper bills are stained by the blood of the oppressed. Our country has been tainted by such atrocity once before. We should not and shall not ever let it happen again. Or this country can never escape from its dark past of slavery.

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This article has 1 comment.

jeffmj77 said...
on Jun. 16 2014 at 9:05 am
This is an awesome article and such a sad issue.