Racial Profiling | Teen Ink

Racial Profiling

November 8, 2019
By Anonymous

Do you know what racial profiling is, how it's used everywhere in everyday life, how so many people are affected by it? Racial profiling is used everywhere in life you might not see it but after reading this you will. Racial profiling is when someone observes the characteristics or behavior of a racial or ethnic group. For example, a white teacher at a school would expect bad grades or drugs on a colored student only because he's colored. The teacher doesn't expect that from his other students that are white. He only expects this because of the student’s race. The teacher sends the kid out in the hallway because he thinks that the colored student Max did drugs, and Max says he did nothing wrong at all, but the teacher doesn’t believe him because of his race. 

The teacher judges and kicks out the colored student out of his class every day. The colored student is affected by getting kicked out of class every day. Whenever he has a test, he would fail it because he wasn't in class to learn or understand it. If that student somehow moves up to the math class above the one he's taking now; the student will be completely lost because he wasn't able to learn any math the year before. Also, when the white male teacher criticized him for having drugs in his bag and being colored his classmates heard that, and not all the classmates are nice to him anymore. 

This student’s life has changed just because of the teacher. The student doesn’t learn anything because of the teacher’s racial profiling he’s always kicked out of class, everyone at school thinks he does drugs, and they all look at him as an outsider a nobody, someone that you can’t trust. All this happened with racial profiling it can start off as a small problem but it can easily increase into a bigger one. 

For example, there have been riots all around the world over the last 5 years about racial profiling and how black lives matter. Racial profiling wasn't a big thing but it got more and more popular as more people of color were killed by policemen. At first, people didn’t think that policemen were targeting people of color they didn’t think that they would pull over a colored person and then shoot him for not listening to the police officer. As the years went by that changed it started off as a small number of people of color that were killed but over the years it rounded up to about 1,000 people of color killed by cops a year. 

All sorts of people were taking stands on social media or the news even on the streets. It didn’t matter where these people were if they were a leader or someone that stands up for others they would stand up and speak. That’s what people were/are doing they would stand up and speak and say that cops are racial profiling people of color and are killing them on streets and taking whatever chance they got to take out people of color. 

This started a protest it started off small but got bigger over the years and people would stand together and stand up for the ones who were no longer standing. As the years went by more people of color were killed by police and more people protested how police are racial profiling colored people. Riots broke out around cities and state it was crazy but it was heard. People are now seeing that racial profiling exists it might’ve taken years and lots of deaths, but its finally being seen.

As you can see racial profiling is not a small thing. It’s not something we can ignore nor is it something we can pretend to see. So many people see racial profiling, but try not to accept it and see that it actually happened. The thing is it is happening and so many people are affected by racial profiling. Like kids, teens, and adults. Little kids are affected mentally from school from teachers to students to even friends they’re only doing this because of the color of their skin. Even around the world to people being killed because of the color of their skin. Its time we stand up and make things equal for another and stop racial profiling to help others exceed and feel good about themselves in life.

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