Feedback on Twitter Feed | Teen Ink

Feedback on Twitter Feed

October 17, 2017
By SecretlyAnOwl SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
SecretlyAnOwl SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Twitter Feed,” written by Kierstyn C., is a uniquely formatted piece on a popular concept. As said in the title, the story mimics the Twitter feed of a news agency, specifically CNN, reporting the spread of a virus that essentially turns people into zombies. Each section has a date and time, chronicling the apocalypse using the informative nature of the media. The first “tweet” was posted on January 13, 2016, and the last tweet was posted only two days later, on the 15th. Another tweet was posted on October 29, 2018, asking whether anyone had survived two years after the outbreak of the virus.

This particular piece caught my eye for many reasons. The first was the uncommon formatting the author used. Throughout the sections, the author conveyed the development of the apocalypse clearly, even using eyewitness accounts and public service announcements to give the tweets the feel of a professional news agency. In the tweet for January 14, 2016, 10:12 a.m., “Report from New Mexico: Another dead man rose from his deathbed and tries to attack his daughter. According to her, ‘Dad seemed to be growling at me, and his eyes were glassy. He was frothing at the mouth. I was praying for my daddy to come back to life, but not like that!’” The subject matter of the piece also drew me in. Science fiction is one of my favorite genres, as I love the variety and limitless possibilities. This story was no exception, as the fresh take on the commonly used “zombie apocalypse” theme was expertly applied. Additionally, the Twitter aspect makes this story much more relatable, as it is plausible that we would get information about the apocalypse from news on Twitter.

“Twitter Feed” is a noteworthy piece, written by Kierstyno, using a one-of-a-kind format to convey the story of the zombie apocalypse.

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