Feedback on Color-Blindness | Teen Ink

Feedback on Color-Blindness

May 4, 2016
By Zehra13 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
Zehra13 GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Colors are a beautiful addition to this world to make it livelier. So why are we ignorant to skin color?  The enticing pride and prejudice piece "Color-Blindness" by Sadia Abdi just shows how we neglect the glamor of different skin-colors. Sadia elucidates in her piece how our skin color displays our identity and is an amazing thing. However, the concept of "color-blindness" is a way to resolve the issue of racism. It is similar to the theme of 'out is sight, out of mind.' People forget or ignore someone's color to avoid the reality that people are different and yet the same in so many ways.
      "When someone says they don't see my color, they are erasing my identity, my central being, and diluting me to a name without history or heritage...My color is an extension of my being." Sadia wrote in strong, inspiring words and I totally agree. Different color show different personalities. Sadia was true in her article. Take pride in your color, is what Sadia's message is to readers, because that color is what you will live with for the rest of your life, through good and bad. Don't be color blind, be color kind.

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