"The Dirtiest F-Word" Feedback | Teen Ink

"The Dirtiest F-Word" Feedback

March 7, 2016
By 00001 SILVER, New York, New York
00001 SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Feminism" is a word that is often thrown around. A word that's been beaten and glorified to the extent that its true definition becomes unclear. Femenism isn't always about benefiting women in particular, but defending their value and status in a society that should treat them as equals. Anna Butler is able to explain this simple concept in a just manner. "The Dirtiest F-Word" is backed up with logic and truth. It's eye-opening to society and its disgraceful way of interpreting various situations. As kids grow up, they are taught preposterious and gender objectifying ideas. They are taught that men can not be victims of sexual abuse or that they're prone to be more dominant and indifferent. Woman are taught that it is THEIR fault they become targets of harrassment and they're often trated less as men. Feminism doesn't just defend women and men but also people of all sexualities and minorities. To be a femenist is to understand that everybody should be treated as an equal.
A buddy of mine is against feminism because SHE arrogantly believes that its an idea invented to degrade men and bring women to power. I want to shake Anna's hand and pat her on the back for educating readers who may not fully understand the word and see it in a negative light.

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