"The Evil Within " Review | Teen Ink

"The Evil Within " Review

October 7, 2015
By SebF98 SILVER, New York City, New York
SebF98 SILVER, New York City, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     "The Evil Within" review by Ayinde Roberts is a great example on how to write a video game review. The author doesn't just list things about the game; instead he provides a far, informative review. Roberts touches on all major points while still giving an opinion. In the review the author does a good job of going over the important parts of the game in depth while still going over the less meanful portions.This allows for a much more complete review.

     Another good part of the review was the way the author expertly balances both the positives and negatives. Although the review is mostly positive the author still goes over the things the game did wrong. They're not afraid to not be 100% positive. This makes the review much more believable.

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