Feedback on "Forgiveness" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Forgiveness"

April 26, 2015
By laughingcookie SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
laughingcookie SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 3 photos 0 comments

“Forgiveness” by Sophie Panzer is a simple but beautiful poem reminiscing of childhood. It captures the growth from when she was more of a child to now when she has been more exposed to the world. Her stunning descriptions of her friend sneaking an earthworm down her shirt led me to imagine my own past, when my sister and I fought over dolls. As with all little squabbles, however, we all forgave each other. The figurative language give me an idea of how the exact setting looked like, with phrases like “pearls of fog” and “rubber raincoats.”
This lovely poem captured my attention and left me pondering for a while. The lines I love most are “Remember when we were young and stupid / even though we’re still young, and stupid.” It shows how in childhood, the tangible situations made us angry, and usually they were silly things, but even now, as teenagers, we aren’t all grown up and mature. We do mess up at times, and when you look back in a few years, we are still considered immature. However, even as time moves on, you still need to continue to forgive and forget.

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