"Dear Sexist Pigs" | Teen Ink

"Dear Sexist Pigs"

April 25, 2012
By SubtleMeaning GOLD, New York City, New York
SubtleMeaning GOLD, New York City, New York
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“Dear Sexist Pigs” tells the story of a girl who is downright annoyed by man’s need to assert dominance. While it is justified to feel angry and exasperated by a boy’s efforts to “assert male dominance,” know that it is in human nature to be better than others. Otherwise where would we be today? Competition is just one of the many things that drive the entire human race, including females.

Sexism, on the other hand, is an issue that has persisted for thousands of years, if not millions. It was, and perhaps still is, the stereotypical image of days past, where a woman would act as the housemaid and a man provides for his family. Whether it be hunting, fighting, or sitting down at a desk punching in numbers at a keyboard, these jobs have contributed to us males believing that we are better than those of the female race.

Your article has struck a tiny thorn in the sides of sexism, but do not take my ranting for criticism, so much as you should as realism. These issues occur more often, and in more places than in just a regular high school. I do, however, commend you for your article – a simple piece of work that reveals your courage and defiance against the “ideology that has been around since the beginning of time.” Surely this meaningless idea will die down so long as there are people, such as you, who continue to rebel against an unjust ideology.

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