Delicious Delemma | Teen Ink

Delicious Delemma

September 26, 2011
By riesenlover BRONZE, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
riesenlover BRONZE, Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
1 article 1 photo 3 comments

In the nonfiction piece “Delicious Dilemma”, 16 year old Andria P, sits down with a bowl of “Peanut Butter Explosion, a creamy, delectable dessert loaded with Reese’s Pieces and streaked with peanut butter” ice cream. She turned on the television to find a show about how frozen yogurt is better for your health than ice cream is. She debates whether to eat her ice cream or not, and in the end she turns off the television and eats all of her ice cream.

I think “Delicious Dilemma” is a great piece. It caught my eye because I also love ice cream, but unlike Andria I also really like frozen yogurt. I don’t think people should judge food so quickly just because it is healthy. Ice cream is a great treat, but frozen yogurt is much better for you and just as good. I think Andria should go get the frozen yogurt that she said was “in the back of the freezer gathering dust.” I’m sure she would like it just as much as her beloved ice cream.

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