The Stars | Teen Ink

The Stars MAG

By Anonymous

     Kareen, when I first read your story I was in a terrible mood. As I read the part where you explained that you miss your father, who passed away when you were three, I wondered, How could she miss him? She didn’t even know him. The thought kept repeating in my head and I started to consider what my words really meant.

Then I decided to look at the situation from a different point of view, as if I were the one who hadn’t had a father for my whole life. Deeper feelings struck me as I imagined my life without the one person who has taught me through setting such great examples. I pictured all the different trials my dad has helped me overcome. I can honestly say that I would be lost if I did not have him to lift me up.

I then read the story again and again until I could practically recite it word for word. Each time I read it I was more touched. It almost brought tears to my eyes when I remembered my first reaction and I was very upset by how inconsiderate I had been.

I, at 18, have seen many others who are blinded by the fact that they think they don’t need parents. Someday we will all grow up and realize that we should have listened to our parents. Too many kids take their parents for granted. I have learned another of life’s greatest lessons. Your story is very sincere and I wish you the best of luck, Kareen.

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