August 12, 2016 | Teen Ink

August 12, 2016

March 26, 2019
By BakBak BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
BakBak BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found Emma Louwagie's article, "August 12, 2016" very moving. The friendship that Dylan and Emma's brother, Matthew, had was very special. It reminds me of my friendships. I'm very anti-social. You can perhaps even call me a people hater if you like but, that's not the case at all. I talk to the same three people all day, my three best friends Q'ran, DaeDae, and Ayuana. They have been my bestfriends for years now. I don't talk to others because they're literally all I need. Our friendship is almost as similar to Matthew's and Dylan's friendship. Honestly, I would be so lonely and devistated if I lost them or anything happens to them. We have been through so much together. Our relationship is unbreakable. Just like Emma says, appreciate your friends and appreciate how much of a blessing they're. I love my friends to death. Losing them is like losing a part of myself.

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