Spirits of the Past | Teen Ink

Spirits of the Past

August 30, 2018
By ValarieLHernandez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
ValarieLHernandez SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
8 articles 12 photos 0 comments

      I found Tuhin Chakraborty’s article, "Spirits of the Past" extremely moving simply based on the fact that his desire was to study history at such a young age and to learn more about what he had seen that day at the museum. In the article, Turin discusses how determined he was to know more about the age-old relics he had found in the Detroit Institute of Arts no matter who thought he was hallucinating or making these visions up.I completely agree with him when he says, "I fully intend to pursue my historical aspirations in college because I will be able to interact with scholars more historically inclined than my third grade teacher.” Each line of this piece is insightful for readers who are determined to learn more about something despite whoever tries stopping them from achieving it. Thankyou, Tuhin for expressing your inner most thoughts on a subject you were very touched by.

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