HIV-AIDs | Teen Ink


March 29, 2014
By secretperson GOLD, Rancho Cucamonga, California
secretperson GOLD, Rancho Cucamonga, California
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a current a virus plaguing the earth in the form of Hiv or otherwise noted as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The contraction of Hiv which leads into Aids or acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Though there is currently no cure there are multiple measures to avoid it. The safest being is abstinence, but others include condoms, and the avoidance of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. Most popular ways of getting infected is unprotected drugs, the use of iv drugs, breastfeeding, and birth. Though there are currently meds for aids in the form of cocktails all they do is reduce the number of the virus in the body. This cocktail is pretty pricey so many died of the disease without proper medication. Fortunately now groups like unicef help those infected to help pay for their medication. Sadly many can’t take the cocktail due to the toxicity level No one actually dies from aids but the toll it takes on your body. The virus destroys all your white blood cells; making a weak immune system. It struggles to fight simple diseases such as the common cold leading to death. Many believe it’s a gay disease. But that is incorrect seen in the fact that the gays only take up half of those infected, having the other half being listed as straight. The only way for this disease too stop is stop these new infections. Sadly since most people don’t show symptoms right away or ever it spreads. That’s why it is important to get tested especially after risky behavior. But it is still important for those in remaining in a monogamous relationship too because always a possibility for someone to lie and cheat. Though it is important to take precautions to aids you will not get infected from simple contact such as hugs, kissing, or sharing food and water. It is good to provide those infected with hope.

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