Technology in Modern Society | Teen Ink

Technology in Modern Society

October 4, 2013
By Kasey Wilfong BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
Kasey Wilfong BRONZE, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
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Everyday a new piece of technology enters the world and can become yours at a touch a button or a click of a mouse. With some of the modern technology provided in today’s world children and young adults are becoming less and less socially active in society. The impact of technology is significant and has burdened the world with several negative side effects.
Technology is almost always readily at our fingertips which have been causing deteriorating patience and tolerance in children and young adults during longer and more tedious tasks. People tend to get frustrated more easily when it comes to something not functioning the way they would like it to. Children become less interested and lose focus when everything is not happening fast and swiftly. Loss of dedication and concentration are only a fraction of the negative effects or technology. Students are being taught less grammar and writing skills because of the use of spell check and other resources throughout today’s world. Schools are often not teaching cursive writing skills anymore either because of computers and other technology they feel it is not necessary. Physical activity is also a big nuisance as a result of expanding technology field. The amount of physical activity that children and young adults are receiving is also decreasing because of video games, cell phones, and television. This plays a factor in the growing rate of child obesity throughout the United States. With obesity on the rise physical education departments within schools are attempting to make exercising more fun and have more of a game like atmosphere. Face to face communication is also declining as a result of the growing technology field. With texting, IM’ing and emailing, one could go days without having an actual conversation with another human being. It is becoming harder and harder for children and young adults to actually talk to people they do not know. They do not want to communicate with strangers because they have never had to before. Communication is a vital life skill and with technological advancements this proficiency is becoming scarcely more valuable. Family life has also taken a hit due to technology. Children and young adults would rather text and play video games than spend time with their families. The social implications of technology are forever changing today’s society and with the advancements something has to happen for these negative effects to come to a screeching halt.
With the desire to have the most current technology so much is being lost. So many positives have come from the advancement in the technological field that people do not realize everything that is being overlooked. Although technology has an overall beneficial impact on today’s society solutions must be found for the destructive outcome on the rise.

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