Left Foot | Teen Ink

Left Foot

May 16, 2010
By JLover BRONZE, Sevilla, Alabama
JLover BRONZE, Sevilla, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Do you ever have one of those days, when you just seem to wake up on your left foot? And you feel sad for no apparent reason? And everything seems to be going wrong, in your life, in the world and just everywhere?
Thats what people call a bad day.
But have you ever had a good day? Woke up feeling happy, cheerful, refreshed. With no worries in your mind and in just a state of blisfullness? For no apparent reason as well?
Both these situations have happened to me.
Who is that one special person that can make your bad day simply fade away like magic? Who is that person who makes you wake up with a smile on your face?
For me its my boyfriend, who I love with all my heart and soul.
And for you? =)

The author's comments:
I just felt like expressing many things we feel on those bad days we all have. But to also point out that there is always someone there in your life, that makes it all better ;)

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