Just Too Much | Teen Ink

Just Too Much

December 9, 2020
By Michey BRONZE, Delhi, California
Michey BRONZE, Delhi, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes there is just too much. Too much of everything, noises/sensory stimulation, emotions, stressors, and triggers. Sometimes there’s too much going on at school, people can be complicated, and classes can be hard and very overwhelming at times. The size, hustle, and bustle of a school’s campus can become scary too. Sometimes it’s specific things that overwhelm us, and sometimes everything is just too much! When you finally get away from school though, you’re still met with homework and studying which can take up a lot of time and energy and can sometimes just be too much. Even with online learning, things can get hard, and some stressors may have gone away because you’re at home, but new problems can arise. Especially when you can’t keep up in class because of internet problems, so missing and current assignments start adding up. And now that you’re home, you have responsibilities, chores, and sometimes problems with your family or living state. That alone is a lot to deal with, and when you add it all together, it can just be too much. The school week can become an exhausting cycle of this, but even the weekends can come with their own problems. At times everything could be fine, then suddenly life throws something unexpected or tough at you. And all of a sudden everything, in general, can become too much.

These things can cause anxiety and panic attacks, meltdowns, breakdowns, and cause dissociation, along with multiple other things. There being too much can negatively affect anyone. And when there is always too much going on, regular day to day things can become hard to do and deal with. You shut down. But shutting down can sometimes be beneficial. Shutting down doesn’t mean you’re too week to handle a situation. It’s just your body doing its job and regulating itself. Everybody needs a break now and then, but not everyone has the time and opportunity to take one. If you get the chance, even if you’re just a little bit overwhelmed, you should have one. And if you can’t, try to find things that will help destress and ground you. Do something you enjoy for a bit. Go somewhere that makes you feel comfortable or safe. Get something that comforts you and brings you peace or happiness, even if it's temporary. Watch a funny video, draw, step outside, or just move around for a bit. It is also ok to talk to someone if you feel like it will help. If you’re at school or in public, don’t be afraid to go and find somewhere that you feel safe. Being mindful of your surroundings and what's bothering you, can help you avoid things that make you feel bad in the future.

What I like to do is carry around fidgets and things to help calm me when I suddenly start to feel anxious or overwhelmed. I'll listen to music or watch a video to block out noise and give myself something else to focus on. I have certain accessories like hair ties and necklaces that I like fidgeting with that help me. I think that fidgeting and just moving around, in general, helps a lot because it can give you something to focus on. And can be a useful way to relieve some tension. You can fidget with anything, but it helps to have things you’re familiar with. Comforting smells and textures can also be very helpful. And as much as people may sound like a broken record when they say to “just breath”, it does help sometimes. A lot of the time though, something really helpful is just closing your eyes or focusing on something and breathing slowly. Everyones’ body and mind react to and process things differently. Everybody has different methods and things that calm them down as well. I’ve found certain things that help me, and it’s good to think about and find things that help you. The world and life in general will always be a lot. And as hard and scary as it may be at times, it’s ok to ask for help if you need it. It can help prevent things from becoming too much and make life just a little bit easier.

The author's comments:

Everything written here is based off of my personal knowledge and research.

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