Living Crucible: Harry Potter Promoting Witchcraft | Teen Ink

Living Crucible: Harry Potter Promoting Witchcraft

March 19, 2019
By Cassie-mikk BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
Cassie-mikk BRONZE, Jackson, New Jersey
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I’m sure you are all familiar with the smash hit fantasy novels, later films, of the late 90’s and early 20’s, Harry Potter. It follows the magic-infested life of Harry Potter and his two completely forgettable friends. These preposterous works are facilitating the growth of modern hippies from our youth, that use witchcraft as a ‘spiritual oasis’. If the fact of witchcraft isn’t enough for you, the storyline follows imagery of venomous death eaters that have the intent of killing ‘muggles’, which refers to the holy population of those who rightfully belong to mankind. Since death eaters are witches, then all witches have the intent of harming mankind.  Do we want our children to believe in You Now Who, the leader of the pack against holiness? Yet, they chose to infect their poisoned blood with those who are so pure. The mixture of magic users and clean men is encouraged by witches. They are maliciously trying to taint our good blood with that of wrongness. The Harry Potter book and movie franchise contributes to the corruption of young minds to the evil institute of witchcraft and will result in the downfall of all that is natural.

Witchcraft is evil. Why do you say? Well, because it made a promised with the devil. That promise was to mutilate Christian integrity, which we all know is the dominant religion in the United States. Missionary expositions are undermined and disrupted by the lingering spirits of those who lay under us. Christianity is the foundation of the government in U.S. We stand as a nation under God, we stand not as a nation under Lucifer. God condemns all witches, according to Deuteronomy 18 10:12, “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.” The characters of Harry Potter are guilty of all acts categorized above, each and everyone.

    You know what comes along with witchcraft? The hippie movement? Herbs. And what do herbs mean? That’s right, marijuana, which will lead to your eventual demise through death. Harry Potter is subliminally teaching children to smoke marijuana, a drug that is nearly lethal to adolescents and adults.  Not only do herbs refer to marijuana, but also natural remedies. These are a faulty use of medicine that is undercover from its dangerous elements. Natural and organic remedies are viperous solutions that are untested by medical professionals and are subjected to cause harm to those who use them.

It is well known that hippies are lazy. A life that consists of sitting on a couch all day and watching the That 70’s Show because it is the only show they ‘spiritual’ connect with. Playing instruments and living a life of peace, love, and happiness. But, we know it is only a facade to their deathly attempt to rid the Earth of pure people. The increase of hippies with consequently reduce the number of able workers. This will raise the unemployment rate, which will cause the rate of inflation to dwindle and will bring our country back into a recession. The new rise of the hippies is a call for war. A war that will end when men fall and all are converted to a life of hippery and witchery if we don’t do anything.

I know you’re probably thinking right now, ‘Why is she so oversensitive?’ Or ‘Why is she taking things too literally?’ It is not an argument over sensitivity, it is an argument over what is right and easy. It is not easy to ban such a widely accepted book, but it is right to ban a book that has malicious intent to coerce the innocent children of The United States of America to vicious acts of witchery. We initially accepted the character of Harry Potter and look where it got us, a youth-dominated by hippies and a life of religious intolerance. We need to learn from literature, like The Crucible, which belittles witches and grants them what they desire, death. Children should be following the unfortunate story of John Proctor instead of acts of Christian disparity by Harry Potter. It is our time to take on the Board of Educations and the legal system to unite and ban all of the Harry Potter movies and books from the school system, libraries, and internet. I will leave you with one last thing, witchcraft will be our end.

The author's comments:

This piece is one of my favorite argumentative that I have ever written. If you could not tell once you reached the end, this article is satire. I played the topic of Harry Potter promoting witch craft in teens to reflect the oversensitivity of society. Specifically, it is ment to criticize human error. Their are individuals who attack issues, without having all the information, and end up formulating an argument and an opinion from incorrect information. The speaker of Living Crucible:Harry Potter Promoting Witchcraft attack’s their own ethos, by having several fallacies in their argument (slippery slope, red herring, ad hominem, and post hoc ergo propter) and well as several other rhetorical missteps that you will maybe notice. The article is meant to be a speech, so the best way to read it and to notice all of the inaccuracies, is by reading it out loud, maybe in you least favorite politican’s voice. 

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